新公司对英文要求甚高。“My English is poor.”。或许对于我这种四级都不具备的只能说不具备该技能。组里该技能值高的同事提出了这么个帮助我们的方法。感觉蛮新颖的,就先记录下来。

Pecha Kucha是什么意思?

What is PechaKucha?

Pecha Kucha是日文,意指喋喋不休的闲聊。

The Japanese term ´Pecha Kucha´ roughly translates as chit-chat or irritating chatter.

什么是Pecha Kucha 20x20 ?

What is Pecha Kucha 20x20 ?

Pecha Kucha 20x20 是一种简单的演讲形式,在此过程中演讲者播放20张幻灯片,每张幻灯片的时长设定为20秒,幻灯片自动向前切换,演讲内容跟随幻灯片的切换而改变,直至结束,演讲时长共400秒。

Pecha Kucha 20x20 is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images forward automatically and you talk along to the images.

什么是Pecha Kucha Nights ?

What are Pecha Kucha Nights ?

Pecha Kucha Nights是一个非正式的聚会,充满了乐趣。有创意的朋友聚集在一起分享他们的主意、作品、思想或者度假见闻——事实上可以是任何东西,但前提是遵守Pecha Kucha 20x20的演讲形式。

Pecha Kucha Nights are informal and fun gatherings where creative people get together and share their ideas, works, thoughts, holiday snaps - just about anything really, in the Pecha Kucha 20x20 format.


Who invented the format ?

PechaKucha Night最初由克莱恩•戴萨姆建筑事务所(Klein Dytham architecture,简称KDa)的创办人Astrid Klein和Mark Dytham在2003年2月在东京发起。现在,KDa依然是PechaKucha Night的总部,组织和支持PechaKucha Night在全球的活动,同时也是PechaKucha Night东京站的举办方。

The presentation format was devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Klein Dytham architecture. The first Pecha Kucha Night was held in Tokyo in their gallery, lounge, bar, club, creative kitchen SuperDeluxe in February 2003. Klein Dytham architecture still organize and support the global Pecha Kucha Night network and organise Pecha Kucha Night Tokyo.


Why invent this format ?


Because architects talk too much! Give a microphone and some images to an architect - or most creative people for that matter - and they’ll go on forever! Give powerpoint to anyone else and they have the same problem.

谁可以来参与Pecha Kucha Nights?

Who can present ?

任何年龄,任何行业的人都可以参加报名参加,这就是PechaKucha Nights的魅力所在!

Anyone can present - this is the beauty of PechaKucha Nights. Astrid’s daughter presented when she was 5 (about her artwork ;- ) and Mark’s mother presented when she was 69 (about her elaborate wedding cake creations).


What can people present?


The key to a great presentation is to present something you love. Most people use PechaKucha Night to present their latest creative projects or work. Some people share their passion and show their prized collections of Nana Mouskuri records, other share photos of their latest site visit to a construction site or their recent holiday snaps. We always recommend people go and see a PechaKucha Night before they apply to present to get a good feel of what it is all about.


What makes a good PechaKucha?

好的PechaKucha总是展现令人意想不到的才能,或者带来令人惊喜的主意。有些讲述一个项目或一次旅行发生的故事,有些非常隐私,有些非常有趣,正式这些多样性使得PechaKucha Night充满了惊喜和奇迹。

Good PechaKucha presentation are the ones that uncover the unexpected talent, unexpected ideas. Some PechaKuchas tell great stories about a project or a trip. Some are incredibly personal, some are incredibly funny, but all are very different making each PechaKucha Night like ‘a box of chocolates’.